Home > PRODUCTS > Asphalt Coating L01-1 asphalt varnish

L01-1 asphalt varnish
Product Description
L01-1 asphalt varnish
Colour: Black
Composition: Asphalt varnish from the asphalt, special resin, special additives, driers, solvents and other preparation.
Performance: The paint film black and smooth, with good water resistance, moisture resistance, anti-corrosion properties, especially for the black metal has good adhesion, dry at room temperature fast, not oil and exposure.
Uses: Suitable for black metal mechanical surface moisture and underground pipe corrosion, can also be used to coat the car chassis, water tanks and other metal parts surface.
Theoretical dosage: 120-160 g / m2
Painting method: spray, brush, roller coating.
Drying time: 23 ± 2 ℃: table dry ≤ 8 hours, hard dry ≤ 24 hours.
Painting Road: Recommended spray 2 Road
Applicability: Unlimited
Surface treatment: can be directly painted, steel surface should be removed oil, such as painted on the primer surface, should remove the loose film.
Before the road supporting: epoxy zinc-rich primer, epoxy iron red paint, inorganic zinc silicate primer
Diluent: Asphalt Paint Diluent
Shelf life: 12 months